
It is important to us to make every person who walks through our doors feel at home. From our main seating area to our conference room, we are happy to host you! We desire to create an environment that welcomes any occasion. Whether that is catching up with an old friend, or having a space away from home to get work done, we highly value creating a welcoming atmosphere, and extending kindness to every customer we meet.


At Imagine Coffee, we are passionate about bringing hope to those in need. All of our profits are given to support others! Some organizations we support are Benton’s county Every ChildCenter of Light in Tajikistan, and Heritage Impact School in Liberia, Africa. As Imagine grows, so does our ability to extend hope to those around us, as well as those in other parts of the world.


We love to encourage the gifts and talents of the local community! We do this by displaying local art in our art gallery, hosting game nights, and other live events. We can also host you! Need a space for an evening event? Do you have a gift in art or music that you’d like to share? It brings us so much joy to see our community thrive, and to provide a place for others to celebrate their talents!